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Today is Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Unseen: the guiding hand

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I've got some good news for you. You haven't come this far by accident. There is a divine hand guiding you even when it looks like you're swimming alone.

Most "news" we get in this life is negative. Major news channels have one purpose: who can get the most likes and biggest audience so they can get the most advertising dollars. The world thrives on bad news. The worse death, health report or latest arrests get the most attention, but good news is far better for our mental health. Bad news promotes doubt, fear, unbelief, confusion, and mental anguish so keeping our minds on the hope of the gospel, and not the fear of the day, will make our space much happier.

Fear says it won't work out. That there is no way out. Faith, on the other hand, says whatever is causing anguish will work out for your good. Everything will be alright. Stay focused, keep believing, never give up, keep trying, keep praying, help is on the way. Keep praising God, stay positive, be still, be courageous, keep your mind on good things, happy things, think happy thoughts and enjoy mental peace.

And always remember, you haven't come this far by accident. You can rest in hope of a bright future because there is a guiding hand watching over you. You are not alone in your present situation. God is love and according to the Bible there is no place to hide from God. Always work Him into your future plans.

It's always good to have a friend on your side. Having said that, you have to be on His side, too. We can't walk the opposite direction from God and think He doesn't care. His mercy supersedes judgement, but never forget God is right where you are at all times. He knows when no one else does. That's not to promote fear, but to motivate us to follow the Creator who loves us even when we do fail.

Seek wisdom, embrace her, love her and she will give you another avenue out of your present troubles. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. It is a good news message, giving hope to a hopeless situation. Believe it, speak it, regain your composure, and know you haven't come this far by accident.

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