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Today is Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Presenting the Perfect Gift

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There's a beautiful gospel song entitled, "This is Just What Heaven Means to Me." I find myself singing it sometimes when I think about my loved ones that have gone on to heaven; it is so comforting. As I thought about the title this week, I changed the word Heaven to Christmas. Think about that for a moment...what does Christmas mean to you?

I know this has been a trying year for many, but we can't let our circumstances change the meaning of the holiday. We should never dread the birthday celebration of Jesus! In the discouraging moments, we should focus even more of our time on the true reason for the season.

I challenge everyone to take the idea of December 25th to a new level this year. I love to hear stories of families choosing to give to those in need instead of spending the money on themselves. Money cannot buy happiness; the only way to find perfect peace is resting and trusting in the Prince of Peace.

Take some time this week to talk with your family about the true meaning of Christmas. Make sure everyone knows why we celebrate. Open your Bible and read the Christmas story together. As you do your best to keep Christ in Christmas, ask the Lord to guide your words and actions. Begin traditions that will have an eternal impact.

So, what does Christmas mean to me? It's a special time I can rejoice in knowing God sent His Son to earth as a perfect gift for me. He came to love, heal and forgive. The true meaning of Christmas brought me hope and salvation. My prayer for everyone reading this is that you have personally received Jesus; He is the only perfect Gift!

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