Life is filled with ups and downs, joy and good times mixed in with seasons of discouragement and sadness. I do not believe in a perfect life here on earth and this includes any human living above the reproach of sin and of course, all of us having everything perfect within our hopes and dreams of happiness. Even the individuals who have billions of dollars in the bank have times of frustration and disappointment. For example, those who cruise the seas on luxury yachts have engine breakdowns and stormy weather. Or how about those who have all the money they could ever spend but are so sick they cannot get out of bed? It's just not a perfect world.
I was thinking the other day, I know I'm blessed and appreciate all the Lord has done for me. I'm not rich according to the world's standards, but I can pay my bills and enjoy being debt-free. We have two grown children who married amazing spouses and we have some incredibly adorable and intelligent grandchildren. I do have some health issues, but I'm still walking, I can see and live relatively pain-free. I have a beautiful wife and we have a great marriage. Is everything perfect? Of course not, but I know without a doubt that at our age, we are very fortunate. I provide family counseling and also help minister to those who are incarcerated, and with a hurting heart, there are a lot of families that are struggling.
I understand that many of you who read this column have also been blessed in the same way and I rejoice with you. For those who are facing serious challenges in certain areas of your lives, we pray for strength, patience, and encouragement as you keep knocking, seeking, and asking the Lord to intervene. This passage in Matthew 7:7-8 is a wonderful promise directly from Jesus. "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock and will be opened unto you: for everyone that asks receives, and he that seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."
Some of you might be sarcastically saying, "Well good for you!" Even though I'm thankful to share my testimony of how compassionate He has been to me, this is just the good side of it. There have been plenty of times when I've been perplexed and cast down and all the things that Second Corinthians chapter four talks about. However, I've learned when things turn sour, I can make a list of how bad things really could be. Does this make sense? If you try this, it doesn't take long before an attitude of humility and gratitude fills your mind and soul. Verse nine reminds us we might be struck down but we are not destroyed. Amen! This is when the song, "My Life Is in You" by Steve Kuban really hits home.
Others might say that asking God for help sounds cheesy, and just too easy, but whoever said praying and fasting for as long as needed was a piece of cake? As we mentioned earlier about God knowing our hearts, fluff prayers, whims, and casual requests rarely carry any level of seriousness or dedication. You see, only calling on God when we are in trouble is not the same as walking in His Spirit all the time. When you have a minute, read John chapter 15 as it explains how we are bonded together with Christ. To abide in His presence is the core of our personal relationship with Him, and when we study our covenant vow with Him, we see it is a holy and "constant" commitment of obedience.
The excitement and enthusiasm of our spiritual walk will be in direct proportion to the conviction held in our reverence for God's truth. Since He has infinite understanding and insight of the motives within our conscience we can never hide or deceive Him. Hebrews 4:12 reveals that He knows when we are sincere and when we are faking. He can see clearly when our words are empty and have no meaning and when they are filled with honesty and purity. Jesus desires that we stop being an actor and start becoming who He died for us to be. This week I just wanted to share from my soul and hope you were edified in some small way. As God uses His word to touch hearts He is glorified.
Learn more about Dr. Holland's book, "Convictions and Considerations - Encouragement for the Soul" at