People often think it's the bad people who fall. It's the ones who have problems with attitudes or character. It's the ones who have unresolved issues. But, depending on the translation, the Bible says "a just man; a righteous man; a good man" falls. Not just once, but he may fall more than once. The good news is, he gets back up and starts over every time he falls. He never quits. He never gives up.
I once knew an alcoholic who was truly a good man. He loved God. He loved his family and friends, but he just couldn't conquer his addiction to alcohol. He lived to be an old man and I can't tell you the times I remember him falling off the wagon; coming back to church and going to the altar for prayer.
Each time he repented, he'd get back in church and was able to kick the addiction for a few months. Maybe even a year, but eventually, something drew him back and he'd go on a binge again. With all my heart, I believe I'll see him in heaven because he always got back up. He never quit loving God.
Every time I read Proverbs 24, I'm reminded of this man who really loved God and wanted to live right. People write us off but God never does.
A good man, Proverbs 24:16 says, falls not just once, but seven times and every time he gets back up. I don't think this just applies to addictions, but any kind of mistake we make. A Christian's desire is not to live in sin, but to live in a Christ like manner.
Sin is not always the issue. Sometimes it's choices that cause a fall. Even when we try to do the right thing, we can do the right thing, the wrong way. When David planned to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel, it was a good thing. His mistake was not bringing it back, but it was "how" he brought it back. God had clearly instructed that the priest carry it, but David was letting the Ark of the Covenant be carried by oxen. He did the right thing, the wrong way.
One of David's greatest attributes is the fact that he was willing to try again. No matter what he failed at, he tried again and that's what we have to do as well. God's mercy is greater than our falls. God is not the accuser. He is the forgiver. And, that's good news for every Christian, everywhere.