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Today is Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A best friend with a fiery side

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A best friend with a fiery side

People may tell you they will be the best friend you'll ever have and others may say, "I'm the worst enemy you can ever make", but who REALLY can be both? You probably know. It's not the neighbor you don't really like or the co-worker you can't trust. It's not the 'best-friend' at church or work or the childhood friend who has stuck with you through thick and thin for all your life. No, the only person who will be the best friend you can ever have and also be the worst enemy you can ever make is God.

I think most people would say a best friend is there for you. Well, God fits that criterion. They might say, "A best friend loves you no matter what you do." Doesn't Apostle Paul say the love of God never fails? He said, "Love covers a MULTITUDE of sins."

The love of God never lets you down. It is kind; it thinks no evil; and is not easily provoked...it endures all things. It never fails. (I Cor 13). It's the love we all long for. It's unconditional. I can't earn His love or His acceptance. It's free. All we have to do is believe in Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross for us; believe in our heart, confess Him with our mouth and we will be saved.

How much more could you ask for in a best friend? He is there all the time. He has already justified us. He has sent us His back-up (the Holy Spirit). And, He places angels around us to protect us. That's a friend.

He will love you even if you don't want Him to. He will be near you even if you don't want Him to. You walk away, and he follows you. Everywhere you go you'll hear him speaking inside, "What are you doing here? You don't belong here." And, he will keep on, keeping on.

He will never leave you or forsake you. On the other hand, what if we absolutely refuse His love and great mercy? What if we refuse to acknowledge Him?

The Bible says, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a Living God" (Hebrews 10:31).

"The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. .." (Exodus 34: 6,7).

He goes as far as He can possibly go to show us His love and compassion, but He does have a side that fires His wrath on the unbeliever. Oh, that we never thrust ourselves into the wrath of God. May His mercy always lead us; direct us; shelter us and hide us from destruction.

The one thing we don't want is for God to turn His face from us; or fail to smile on us.

Our part is to love and serve Jesus Christ. You can rest in His love. You can find comfort in the time of sorrow and need; you can find safety in the storm. There is nothing like the smile of God.

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